
Description of the supported metrics, chains and porotocols

Supported metrics

Currently Supported:

  • Pool TVL: Alerts are triggered as soon as the TVL of a pool highly increases/decreases in a block or a user-defined time window.

  • Pool Rates: Alerts are triggered as soon as the rate of a pool highly increases/decreases in a block or a user-defined time window.

  • Token Total TVL: Alerts are triggered as soon as the aggregated TVL of all pools of a token highly increases/decreases in a block or a user-defined time window.

  • Token Total Supply: Alerts are triggered as soon as the total supply of a given token highly increases/decreases in a block or a user-defined time window.

  • Token USD price: Alerts are triggered as soon as the USD price of a token highly increases/decreases in a block or a user-defined time window.

  • Token WETH price: Alerts are triggered as soon as the WETH price of a token highly increases/decreases in a block or a user-defined time window.

Coming Soon:

  • Pool Volume: Alerts are triggered as soon as high volumes are detected for a pool in a block or a user-defined time window.

  • Position Concentration: Alerts are triggered when your position in a pool exceeds a user-defined threshold relative to the pool's overall liquidity.

  • Pool Imbalance: Alerts are triggered as soon as the pool imbalance exceeds a user-defined threshold to prevent depegs.

  • Price Impact Simulation: Large TVL drops for a given token might lead to increased price impact, as liquidity depth decreases. As soon as we detect high TVL drops/rises, we perform swaps simulations to monitor price impact changes. Currently, WETH is used as a quote asset.

  • Token Total Volume: Alerts are triggered when high aggregated volumes of every pool are detected for a token in a block or a user-defined time window.

  • Proposals: Receive real-time alerts on DAO proposals voting from Snapshot, as soon as they are created. And track their state in real-time.

NOTE: All thresholds and time windows can be parametrized by the end user.

Supported chains

Currently Supported:

  • ETH

Coming Soon:

  • BNB Chain

  • Polygon

  • Arbitrum

  • Optimism

  • Avalanche

  • Base

Supported DEXes

Here is the list of decentralized exchanges (DEXes) from which prices and liquidity data for assets are sourced.

  • Uniswap V3

  • Uniswap V2

  • Curve

  • Balancer

  • SushiSwap V2

  • ShibaSwap

  • Solidity V3

  • FraxSwap

  • Pancakeswap V3

  • Pancakeswap V2

  • Saitaswap

  • Verse

  • KyberSwap

  • DefiSwap

  • 9inch

  • SolidlyDex

  • Sushiswap V3

  • TempleDAO


  • RadioShack

  • White Swap

  • SakeSwap

  • SmarDEX

  • StandardSwap

Coming Soon:

  • Pendle Market

  • Mavericks

  • TraderJoe

Last updated