
Metric data type description

A Metric corresponds to value that is constantly tracked. There are currently 4 type of metrics:

  • POOL_TVL: the TVL on pool for a token. For instance, on pool Uniswap V2 WETH - USDC, On token USDC, the POOL_TVL metric would be: "5.8 M USDC on pool Uniswap V2 WETH-USDC".

  • POOL_RATE: The rate between a base token and a quote token on given Pool. For instance, if pool is Uniswap V2 WETH-USDC, base token is WETH and quote token is USDC, this metric would be: "On pool Uniswap V2 WETH-USDC, 1 WETH = 3.4k USDC".

  • TOKEN_TOTAL_TVL: The aggregated sum of all TVL on a token on all pools. For instance, on WETH, this metric would be "A total of 500k WETH is locked on all supported pools".

  • TOKEN_TOTAL_SUPPLY: The total supply of a token (each ERC-20 has a limited supply, which can change over time).

  • TOKEN_WETH_PRICE: The price of a token in Native ethereum. This price is processed using all pools of the token.

  • TOKEN_USD_PRICE: The price of a token in USD. This price is processed using all pools of the token (it uses TOKEN_WETH_PRICE and then convert it with Ethereum USD price).

Here are the fields you can find on a Metric:

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